Stock scanning formulas and chart anaylisis code

VB Extension relationship to Telechart 2000 – TC2000 PCF’s –

VB Extension relationship to Telechart 2000
This program is written in Visual Basic 6 and uses standard extensions provided by Worden brothers. It utilizes a module called TC2000Dev.exe which must be supplied from your install CD. This program while written in Visual Basic does not require the user to have Visual Basic Installed on his/her PC.

In no way should the use of this program be construed as financial or investment advice and the author assumes no responsibility at all for problems or support of this program. Use at your own risk.

VB Requirements/Restrictions

You do not need to have Visual Basic installed on your computer. You will need to be running a 32 bit operating system, Windows, 95, 98 or NT.

The program does not allow resizing of the screen at the present time.

At present, most display of stock data will be skipped if there is not approximately 180 days of history.

Install 1) Download the Not Available, was named: InsynIns.ZIP file into an empty directory.

2) Unzip the file using “WinZip” available on the web if you don’t have it.

3) You should now have 3 new files in the directory. “Insync.CAB”, “setup.exe”, and “Setup.1st”. Double click on “setup.exe” and the program will install.

4) When running the program press the “F1” key for help. 5) To properly view this program your monitor should be set for a screen resolution of 1024 X 768.

The yellow graph is the insync index.

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